Now you can book an appointment for a virtual tour to CERA Style Studio from the comfort of your own home. With physical distancing being the need of the hour, these guided tours are designed to give you an immersive virtual experience of our products. Further, you can also explore our other brands–ISVEA and Senator.

Here’s to discovering style, the safe way.

Book your Virtual Visit to Cera Style Studio

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Terms and Conditions

  1. The date and time agreed for Cera Virtual Live is subject to change.
  2. The products shown in different angles are purely for better understanding. However, customer should verify the physical product for design, shape and other technical specifications before purchase.
  3. The prices mentioned in the mail are based on the current MRP, which subject to revision as proposed and changed by the company.
  4. CERA reserves the right to change, discontinue Cera Virtual Live without any prior notice.
  5. Disputes, if any, are subject to Ahmedabad (Gujarat) jurisdiction only.

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